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Film / Seed coat calculator

Welcome to our Film / Seed coat calculator, an innovative tool designed to assist seed companies and farmers in optimizing the use of beneficial microbes in their farming practices.

Beneficial microbes are essential components of a healthy soil ecosystem and can improve plant growth, enhance nutrient uptake, and protect crops from diseases and pests. However, it is crucial to use these microbes in the correct concentrations to ensure their effectiveness and prevent any negative impacts on the environment.

Our calculator takes into account the specific needs of your crops and soil, allowing you to calculate the ideal concentrations of beneficial microbes for your farming operation. By using our tool, you can ensure that you are using the right amount of beneficial microbes for maximum efficacy and sustainability.

We believe that our beneficial microbe calculator will revolutionize the way farmers and seed companies use these valuable microorganisms, leading to improved crop yields, reduced input costs, and a more sustainable agricultural system.

Filmcoats we recommend

We are excited to announce that we have tested and validated several film coats that are compatible with our beneficial microbes. These film coats have been carefully selected and tested to ensure they do not harm the microbial populations, and instead, provide a safe and effective environment for them to thrive in.

Our team has conducted extensive research and testing to ensure that these film coats provide optimal conditions for the microbes to remain viable and effective during the seed coating process and after planting. By incorporating our beneficial microbes into these film coats, we can provide a solution that promotes plant growth, enhances nutrient uptake, and protects crops from diseases and pests.

Beneficial microbes

The microbial products listed below carefully selected and tested to ensure they are compatible with coating processes and remain viable during and after the coating process. Extensive research and field trials have been conducted to validate the efficacy of these products, and we are confident in their ability to promote plant growth, enhance nutrient uptake, and protect crops from diseases and pests.

The range of microbial products includes beneficial bacteria and fungi that are specially formulated to improve soil health and promote sustainable agriculture practices. Our products are designed to work in harmony with nature, providing a safe and effective alternative to chemical treatments that can harm the environment and human health.

Biovirid is are committed to providing customers with the highest quality products and services. We stand behind the efficacy of the microbial products and are confident that they will help you achieve your farming goals.

Need help? Get in touch.

Kazemat 23, 3905 NR

The Netherlands

+31 (0)6 81187544

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