Fytohormonen, ook wel plantenhormonen genoemd, zijn chemische signaalmoleculen die verschillende fysiologische processen in planten reguleren. Ze worden in specifieke weefsels geproduceerd en naar andere delen van de plant getransporteerd, waar ze een verscheidenheid aan reacties veroorzaken.
There are several types of phytohormones, including:
Auxins - These hormones promote cell elongation and are involved in root development, stem growth, and apical dominance.
Gibberellins - These hormones promote stem elongation, seed germination, and flowering.
Cytokinins - These hormones promote cell division and are involved in shoot and root growth, leaf senescence, and flower development.
Ethylene - This hormone is involved in fruit ripening, leaf senescence, and the response to biotic and abiotic stress.
Abscisic acid - This hormone is involved in seed dormancy, drought tolerance, and the response to environmental stress.
Brassinosteroids - These hormones are involved in cell expansion, cell division, and the response to environmental stress.
Phytohormones are critical for plant growth, development, and response to environmental stimuli. They act in a complex network, with cross-talk between different signaling pathways, to regulate plant growth and stress responses. Understanding the role and regulation of phytohormones is important for developing strategies to enhance plant growth and improve crop yield, as well as for developing more sustainable agricultural practices.