Glucanasen zijn een klasse enzymen die in staat zijn glucanen af te breken, een groep complexe polysachariden die worden aangetroffen in de celwanden van veel organismen, waaronder schimmels, bacteriën en planten. Glucanen zijn samengesteld uit glucosemoleculen die met elkaar zijn verbonden door β-1,3- of β-1,4-glycosidische bindingen.
Glucanases are produced by a variety of organisms, including bacteria, fungi, and plants, and they come in different types with varying molecular structures and functions. In general, glucanases hydrolyze the β-1,3 or β-1,4 glycosidic bonds between the glucose residues in glucans, leading to the release of smaller oligomers or monomers of glucose.
In plants, glucanases are involved in the defense against pathogens, such as fungi and bacteria, as well as in the regulation of plant growth and development. They are induced in response to pathogen infection, and they degrade the glucan-containing cell walls of the pathogen, resulting in the inhibition of pathogen growth and the activation of the plant's defense responses.
In bacteria, glucanases are involved in the degradation of glucan-containing biofilms, which are complex communities of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics and disinfectants. Glucanases are used as a part of the enzymatic cleaning agents to remove biofilms from surfaces.
In fungi, glucanases are involved in the regulation of cell wall metabolism, as well as in the degradation of glucan-containing cell walls during the process of fungal growth and development.
In industry, glucanases have a wide range of applications, including in the production of biofuels, the processing of food and feed, and the treatment of wastewater. For example, they are used in the saccharification of cellulose and hemicellulose for the production of bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass.